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Monday 6 March 2023

All Auditions will be held at Areadanza, via Ferraris 4H, Livorno(link maps)
Participation in the Auditions is limited and must be booked by 15 February 2023.
Auditions will take place in sequence, between 09:00 and 15:00, to offer the opportunity to participate in all those scheduled.
The time of the Auditions will be communicated in the month of February. The hearings will be held in compliance with current regulations  regarding the containment of the spread of Sars CoVid-19.
To participate in the Auditions, a fee of €30 is required, to be paid by bank transfer to the C/C BIC/SWIFT code: BAPPIT21T03 and IBAN: IT93R0503413903000000002249 of the BPM Cassa Risparmio Pisa Lucca and Livorno in the name of Areadanza, with reason for payment: Name candidate – Auditions. The registration fee will in no case be refundable for impediments not due to the organization.
Registration must be completed by 22 February 2023.

Schermata 2022-10-23 alle 10.56.02.png

Ariston Proballet (Milan) - DaDa Junior Ballet Company (Bergamo) - Teatru Baleto Sibiu (Romania)

Audizione per l'accesso a corsi intensivi e percorsi professionali 
(da 10 a 30 anni)

Direct access to Ariston Proballet and DaDa -
invitation for general audition Teatru Baleuto Sibiu

​L'audizione prevede 1 classe di Danza Classica ed 1 classe di Danza Contemporanea, che si terranno consecutivamente, per una durata totale di 2 ore e 30 minuti circa, suddividendo gruppi e didattica in base all'età. L'audizione verrà tenuta dal Maestro Marco Batti, Direttore, o da un suo delegato. L'audizione potrà dare l'accesso ai seguenti percorsi:

  • Accesso all'Intensive Summer School 7-17 luglio 2021 (età:10-29)

  • Accesso al percorso professionale A.A.2022/2023 (età: 11-24)

  • Accesso al percorso di specializzazione in danza contemporanea (età:18-30)


Tutte le informazioni sono reperibili sul sito dell'Ateneo della Danza

Scarica il modulo d'iscrizione qui

​The audition includes 1 Classical Dance masterclass (it is not excluded that during the lesson, the potential also in contemporary dance can be assessed), lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes, held by the Maestro and Director Marcello ALGERI.


The audition will give access to the following paths:

For Ariston Proballet and Teatru Baleto Sibiu, invitations as trainees for 16 and 17-year-old dancers, deemed particularly interesting, may also be awarded.

Download the registration form here


Iwanson International School
of Contemporary Dance Munich (Germany)

Audizione per l'accesso a corsi intensivi e percorsi professionali
(da 16 a 26 anni)

Direct access to school courses
(from 16 to 23 years)

L​'audizione prevede 1 classe di Danza Contemporanea, della durata di 1 ora e 30 minuti. L'audizione verrà tenuta dal Maestro Johannes Hartl, Direttore. L'audizione potrà dare l'accesso ai seguenti percorsi:

  • Professional program dancers education 3 anni

  • Pådagogik Programm 3 anni

Tutte le informazioni sono reperibili sul sito della Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance

Scarica il modulo d'iscrizione qui

L​ the audition includes 1 Contemporary Dance masterclass, lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes, held by Maestro and director JOHANNES HARTL.

The audition will give access to the following paths:

  • Professional program dancers education 3 years

  • Pådagogik Programm 3 years

All information can be found on the Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance website

Download the registration form here

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